#31 - Seeds
Publication September 2025
We are living in a time of great uncertainty. Join us in a hopeful act, planting seeds for new growth through the inspiration of art and literature. For issue #31 (published September 2025), Whitefish Review is teaming up with Land to Hand Montana and Backpack Assistance as we seek art and literary submissions that speak to the hope in a simple seed, a symbol of abundance in a world that often says we don’t have enough. Submissions in fiction, non-fiction, poems, songs, art, and photography are now open through May 1, 2025.
2025 Montana Prize for Fiction
Once a year, Whitefish Review offers a $1000 prize, winner-takes-all, for the best story submitted to our fiction contest, judged by author Rick Bass. Submissions for the 2025 prize are open Oct 1, 2024 - Feb 15, 2025. Submission link at the bottom of the page. The$25 submission fee is a fundraiser for our journal.
Whitefish Review prides itself on being accessible to the entire community of writers, artists, and readers that we serve. Our nonprofit organization has implemented a $5 administrative fee to help offset, in part, some of the expenses incurred in producing a literary and arts journal. This project is a challenge to pull off, a "doomed, beautiful venture." We still aspire to be as inclusive as possible. If the $5 administrative fee prohibits you from submitting your work, please email editor@whitefishreview.orgwith a brief explanation of your circumstance and we will waive the fee.---
If you have a couple extra bucks, please purchase a copy or become a subscriber and help keep this beautiful venture afloat.
Whitefish Review accepts tax-deductible donations to keep our beautiful adventure afloat.
Send us your best 3 poems. (One document, please.)
#31 - Seeds
Publication September 2025
We are living in a time of great uncertainty. Join us in a hopeful act, planting seeds for new growth through the inspiration of art and literature. For issue #31 (published September 2025), Whitefish Review is teaming up with Land to Hand Montana and the Backpack Assistance Program as we seek art and literary submissions that speak to the hope in a simple seed, a symbol of abundance in a world that often says we don’t have enough. Submissions in fiction, non-fiction, poems, songs, art, and photography are now open through June 1, 2025.
Whitefish Review prides itself on being accessible to the entire community of writers, artists, and readers that we serve. Our nonprofit organization has implemented a $5 administrative fee to help offset, in part, some of the expenses incurred in producing a literary and arts journal. This project is a challenge to pull off, a "doomed, beautiful venture." We still aspire to be as inclusive as possible. If the $5 administrative fee prohibits you from submitting your work, please email with a brief explanation of your circumstance and we will waive the fee.
#31 - Seeds
Publication September 2025
We are living in a time of great uncertainty. Join us in a hopeful act, planting seeds for new growth through the inspiration of art and literature. For issue #31 (published September 2025), Whitefish Review is teaming up with Land to Hand Montana and the Backpack Assistance Program as we seek art and literary submissions that speak to the hope in a simple seed, a symbol of abundance in a world that often says we don’t have enough. Submissions in fiction, non-fiction, poems, songs, art, and photography are now open through June 1, 2025.
Submit one (1) story under 5000 words.
Prose should be typed double-spaced in 12-point Times font.
Indicate word count at the top of your piece.
Include a title and your name at the top.
We appreciate pieces under 5000 words, but use your best judgment. We do not want to limit long-form writing.
Whitefish Review prides itself on being accessible to the entire community of writers, artists, and readers that we serve. Our nonprofit organization has implemented a $5 administrative fee to help offset, in part, some of the expenses incurred in producing a literary and arts journal. This project is a challenge to pull off, a "doomed, beautiful venture." We still aspire to be as inclusive as possible. If the $5 administrative fee prohibits you from submitting your work, please email with a brief explanation of your circumstance and we will waive the fee.
#31 - Seeds
Publication September 2025
We are living in a time of great uncertainty. Join us in a hopeful act, planting seeds for new growth through the inspiration of art and literature. For issue #31 (published September 2025), Whitefish Review is teaming up with Land to Hand Montana and the Backpack Assistance Program as we seek art and literary submissions that speak to the hope in a simple seed, a symbol of abundance in a world that often says we don’t have enough. Submissions in fiction, non-fiction, poems, songs, art, and photography are now open through June 1, 2025.
Send us your best nonfiction story or essay under 5000 words.
Prose should be typed double-spaced in 12-point Times font. Please indicate word count at the top of your piece. We appreciate pieces that are under 5000 words but use your best judgment. We do not want to limit long-form work.
Whitefish Review prides itself on being accessible to the entire community of writers, artists, and readers that we serve. Our nonprofit organization has implemented a $5 administrative fee to help offset, in part, some of the expenses incurred in producing a literary and arts journal. This project is a challenge to pull off, a "doomed, beautiful venture." We still aspire to be as inclusive as possible. If the $5 administrative fee prohibits you from submitting your work, please email with a brief explanation of your circumstance and we will waive the fee.
Whitefisheview seeks high school-age writers, artists, and photographers beginning their journey. Use this category if you are high school level. We occasionally print work from younger than high school level.
#31 - Seeds
Publication September 2025
We are living in a time of great uncertainty. Join us in a hopeful act, planting seeds for new growth through the inspiration of art and literature. For issue #31 (published September 2025), Whitefish Review is teaming up with Land to Hand Montana and the Backpack Assistance Program as we seek art and literary submissions that speak to the hope in a simple seed, a symbol of abundance in a world that often says we don’t have enough. Submissions in fiction, non-fiction, poems, songs, art, and photography are now open through June 1, 2025.
→ Art: Up to 10 pieces of art (all genres)
→ Photography: Up to 10 color photos AND/OR 10 black and white photos
→ Fiction: 1 piece (under 5000 words)
→ Non-fiction: 1 piece (under 5000 words)
→ Poetry: up to 3 poems in one document
Please only submit in one category at a time. (You would create a separate submission if you are sending poetry and then sending some art.) (Label your submission title in the genre you are submitting.
Color art and photography - Submit up to 10 files.
#31 - Seeds
Publication September 2025
We are living in a time of great uncertainty. Join us in a hopeful act, planting seeds for new growth through the inspiration of art and literature. For issue #31 (published September 2025), Whitefish Review is teaming up with Land to Hand Montana and the Backpack Assistance Program as we seek art and literary submissions that speak to the hope in a simple seed, a symbol of abundance in a world that often says we don’t have enough. Submissions in fiction, non-fiction, poems, songs, art, and photography are now open through June 1, 2025.
#31 - Seeds
Publication September 2025
We are living in a time of great uncertainty. Join us in a hopeful act, planting seeds for new growth through the inspiration of art and literature. For issue #31 (published September 2025), Whitefish Review is teaming up with Land to Hand Montana as we seek art and literary submissions that speak to the hope in a simple seed, a symbol of abundance in a world that often says we don’t have enough. Submissions in fiction, non-fiction, poems, songs, art, and photography are now open through May 1, 2025.
→ JPEG (.jpg) format
→ 300 dpi
→ 6 x 9 inches (in either orientation)
We need to review submissions in resolution as we might print them.
1. Mac users, please be sure you save your file so the filename includes the ".jpg" file extension.
→ File Naming Standard: "art_yourlastname_ytitleofwork.jpg"
→ File Naming Standard: "photo_yourlastname_titleofwork.jpg"
Pieces we select are sometimes offered a page to talk about their work -- it may help if you write a short narrative about your submissions.
Submit up to (10) black and white photos or art reproductions.
#31 - Seeds
Publication September 2025
We are living in a time of great uncertainty. Join us in a hopeful act, planting seeds for new growth through the inspiration of art and literature. For issue #31 (published September 2025), Whitefish Review is teaming up with Land to Hand Montana and the Backpack Assistance Program as we seek art and literary submissions that speak to the hope in a simple seed, a symbol of abundance in a world that often says we don’t have enough. Submissions in fiction, non-fiction, poems, songs, art, and photography are now open through June 1, 2025.
Submission format: *Please submit in the proper resolution*
→ JPEG (.jpg) format
→ 300 dpi
→ 6 x 9 inches (in either orientation)
We need to review submissions in resolution as we might print them.
1. Mac users, please be sure you save your file so the filename includes the ".jpg" file extension.
→ File Naming Standard: "yourlastname_art_titleofwork.jpg"
→ File Naming Standard: "yourlastname_photo_titleofwork.jpg"