You attempted to access a category that has expired and is no longer available.


(open to all creative folks around the world!)

Submissions: May 1 - Sept 30, 2024

Head judge: Molly McNearney

$1000 prize and publication in Whitefish Review

Molly McNearney is co-head writer and executive producer of Jimmy Kimmel Live! and the executive producer and writer of the 2024 Oscars. A Second City and ImprovOlympic alum, she produces and writes for the Primetime Emmys, and her credits cross over into film, other television, and acting. Comedy almost lost her to journalism, but we’re thankful she knew we need more humor in the world than news. Molly has the utmost respect for writers and invites authentic, fearless submissions.


General Submissions

We are accepting an open call for submissions through October 31, 2024. (We started late so are extending the normal period.) Page down for submission categories.

We seek illumination on the landscape of the human condition. Show us what is hiding in the shadows.

[We have a large backlog of work; please know we are trying our best. We undertake the review process with care.]



Open call (#30)

For the start of 2024, we have issued an open call for submissions.

How can we become more clear about what matters and what we know is true?

We are all searching. Help us shed some light on the human condition through the wandering joy of art and bring us inside a broken openness that explores new possibilities and a greater awareness from the high elevations of the mountains and beyond.

Accepting submissions through March 31, 2024. Publication is planned for December 2024. The issue will be combined with submissions from "Dangerous Ideas."


2024 Montana Prize for Fiction

Once a year, Whitefish Review offers a $1000 prize, winner-takes-all, for the best story submitted to our fiction contest, judged by author Rick Bass.

Submissions for the 2024 prize  open Oct 1, 2023 - Feb 15, 2024. 

Submission link at bottom of page.

CLOSED on Sept. 3

The submission period is closed for "Dangerous Ideas."

Whitefish Review reads submissions for fiction non-fiction, essay, poetry, visual art of all kinds, and photography. 

Dangerous Ideas (#30)

In 1642, Galileo Galilei was imprisoned under house arrest for life for publishing theories that stated the earth was not the center of the universe. His dangerous idea was scary to the Church, who believed in an Earth-centered universe.

We realize that there are dangerous ideas, that are, well, dangerous!  What we are seeking here is to challenge conventional wisdom for the better. Give us an analysis of some aspect of our culture or world that might seem scary or puzzling at first, but considered in a new light, might also make perfect sense.

The earth revolves around the sun. Let’s explore dangerous ideas. What are yours?

Publication is planned for September 2024.


CLOSED on April 15

Opening Up: The Music Issue (#29) 

It takes time for an acoustic guitar to open up. Some say years or even a lifetime. Wood born from an old-growth forest, cut from downed timber and crafted by a luthier, needs to adjust to its new environment and relax into its new shape. 

As the wood opens, the strings vibrate more freely. The instrument begins to sing its magic. Over time, the sound will change as the instrument finds its true tone.

Does a tree have a voice? Every living thing has a voice. Of all the living creatures, wood has the best voice, for the voice of wood has a life beyond itself. Wood vibrates, resonates forever, physicists say, with all the sound it has ever generated or received. The wood has a memory.

Issue #29 is a celebration! We seek stories, poems, songs, and art raising a toast to old growth, new beginnings, music, and beauty — at the nexus of art and science as we continue to open up.

Publication is planned for March 2024. Also features the newest Montana Prize for Fiction winner.



#28 Into the Unknown

Publication: August 2023

Issue #28 "Into the Unknown" features 40 writers and artists including winners of the Montana Prize for Fiction and Montana Prize for Humor. We also feature an interview with Susan Bridges to discuss her newly released collection of black and white photographs that she took on the set of the American Western epic, Heaven's Gate (Partisan Productions, 1980). Featured in the collection are never-before-seen images, including striking scenes from the director's chair and intimate portraits. In addition to Susan's work as an artist, the editors discussed a wide range of cultural and environmental issues including food insecurity, grizzly bears, community, and family—as well as the near-death scare and illness of her husband, the actor Jeff Bridges.

#27 The Vortex 

Publication: June 2022

After taking flight, the winds begin to spin. The air whirls in a circular motion that forms a vacuum in the center. On the river, we call this an eddy, the water swirling back upstream counter to the main current, forming a whirlpool. Inside these center spaces, there is calm. Let’s explore circles. What is lost and what is found? Coming together.

Please purchase a copy or become a subscriber and help keep this beautiful venture afloat.


Whitefish Review accepts tax-deductible donations to keep our beautiful adventure afloat.


Montana Prize for Humor

Submissions: May 1 - Sept 30, 2024

Final judge: Molly McNearney

$1000 prize and publication in Whitefish Review

Submit fiction, non-fiction, or up to 3 poems. Multiple entries accepted.

In these often dark and troubled times, Whitefish Review seeks humor submissions for its annual “Montana Prize for Humor.” Submissions are accepted May 1 - Sept. 30, 2024 in fiction, non fiction, and poetry. The final judge for the contest this year is Molly McNearney.

Molly McNearney is co-head writer and executive producer of Jimmy Kimmel Live! and the executive producer and writer of the 2024 Oscars. A Second City and ImprovOlympic alum, she produces and writes for the Primetime Emmys, and her credits cross over into film, other television, and acting. 

Comedy almost lost her to journalism, but Whitefish Review is thankful she knew we need more humor in the world than news. Molly has the utmost respect for writers and invites authentic, fearless submissions.

$22 Entry fee. A fundraiser for Whitefish Review.

Submission Information

→ Prose should be typed double-spaced in 12-point Times font.

→ Submit one (1) previously unpublished piece of nonfiction humor or essay

→ Submit one (1) previously unpublished piece of fiction humor 

→ Submit up to three (3) previously unpublished poems (in the same document)


"humor-FICTION_your last name_titleofwork.doc"

"humor-ESSAY_your last name_titleofwork.doc"

"humor-POETRY_your last name_titleofwork.doc"

Try to keep submissions under 4000 words but we will not be sticklers on this.

Ends on $5.00

Send us your best 3 poems.

We seek illumination on the landscape of the human condition. Show us what is hiding in the shadows.

[We have a large backlog of work; please know we are trying our best. We undertake the review process with care.]

We opened late, so we will keep submissions open until Oct. 31.


Whitefish Review prides itself on being accessible to the entire community of writers, artists, and readers that we serve. Our nonprofit organization has implemented a $5 administrative fee to help offset, in part, some of the expenses incurred in producing a literary and arts journal. This project is a challenge to pull off, a "doomed, beautiful venture." We still aspire to be as inclusive as possible. If the $5 administrative fee prohibits you from submitting your work, please email with a brief explanation of your circumstance and we will waive the fee.

Ends on $5.00

Submit one (1) story under 5000 words. Consider submitting something in the 2000-word range or shorter. "Kill your darlings."

We seek illumination on the landscape of the human condition. Show us what is hiding in the shadows.

[We have a large backlog of work; please know we are trying our best. We undertake the review process with care.]

We opened late, so we will keep submissions open until Oct. 31.

   Prose should be typed double-spaced in 12-point Times font.
   Indicate word count at the top of your piece.
   Include a title and your name at the top.
   We appreciate pieces under 5000 words, but use your best judgment. We do not want to limit long-form writing.

Whitefish Review prides itself on being accessible to the entire community of writers, artists, and readers that we serve. Our nonprofit organization has implemented a $5 administrative fee to help offset, in part, some of the expenses incurred in producing a literary and arts journal. This project is a challenge to pull off, a "doomed, beautiful venture." We still aspire to be as inclusive as possible. If the $5 administrative fee prohibits you from submitting your work, please email with a brief explanation of your circumstance and we will waive the fee.

Ends on $5.00

Send us your best nonfiction story or essay.

We seek illumination on the landscape of the human condition. Show us what is hiding in the shadows.

[We have a large backlog of work; please know we are trying our best. We undertake the review process with care.]

We opened late, so we will keep submissions open until Oct. 31.

Submit one (1) story or essay under 5000 words.
 Consider submitting something in the 2000-word range or shorter. "Kill your darlings."

Prose should be typed double-spaced in 12-point Times font. Please indicate word count at the top of your piece. We appreciate pieces that are under 5000 words but use your best judgment. We do not want to limit long-form work.

Whitefish Review prides itself on being accessible to the entire community of writers, artists, and readers that we serve. Our nonprofit organization has implemented a $5 administrative fee to help offset, in part, some of the expenses incurred in producing a literary and arts journal. This project is a challenge to pull off, a "doomed, beautiful venture." We still aspire to be as inclusive as possible. If the $5 administrative fee prohibits you from submitting your work, please email with a brief explanation of your circumstance and we will waive the fee.

Whitefish Review seeks high school-age writers, artists, and photographers beginning their journey. Use this category if you are high school level. We occasionally print work from younger than high school level.

We seek illumination on the landscape of the human condition. Show us what is hiding in the shadows.

[We have a large backlog of work; please know we are trying our best. We undertake the review process with care.]

       → Art: Up to 10 pieces of art (all genres)

       → Photography: Up to 10 color photos AND/OR 10 black and white photos

       → Fiction: 1 piece (under 5000 words)

       → Non-fiction: 1 piece (under 5000 words)

       → Poetry: up to 3 poems in one document

  Please only submit in one category at a time. (You would create a separate submission if you are sending poetry and then sending some art.) (Label your submission title in the genre you are submitting.

Color art and photography - Submit up to 10 files.

We seek illumination on the landscape of the human condition. Show us what is hiding in the shadows.

[We have a large backlog of work; please know we are trying our best. We undertake the review process with care.]

      Submission format: *VERY IMPORTANT - PLEASE FOLLOW*
          → JPEG (.jpg) format
         → 300 dpi
         → 6 x 9 inches (in either orientation)
      We need to review submissions in resolution as we might print them.

  1. Mac users, please be sure you save your file so the filename includes the ".jpg" file extension.

          → File Naming Standard: "art_yourlastname_ytitleofwork.jpg"
          → File Naming Standard: "photo_yourlastname_titleofwork.jpg"

 Pieces we select are sometimes offered a page to talk about their work -- it may help if you write a short narrative about your submissions.

Submit up to (10) black and white photos or art reproductions.

We seek illumination on the landscape of the human condition. Show us what is hiding in the shadows.

[We have a large backlog of work; please know we are trying our best. We undertake the review process with care.]

      Submission format: *Please submit in the proper resolution*
          → JPEG (.jpg) format
         → 300 dpi
         → 6 x 9 inches (in either orientation)
      We need to review submissions in resolution as we might print them.


  1. Mac users, please be sure you save your file so the filename includes the ".jpg" file extension.

          → File Naming Standard: "yourlastname_art_titleofwork.jpg"
          → File Naming Standard: "yourlastname_photo_titleofwork.jpg"

Whitefish Review